Marvel Heroic: Handling Action Scenes

Marvel Heroic: Handling Action Scenes

I am amazed at how much I really enjoy the new Marvel Heroic Roleplaying game ((By Margaret Weis Productions, Ltd. Go buy it!)). When I look at my game play history, the superhero genre never really excited me. Maybe it was those first few attempt at playing supers games.

I attempted a brief run of Champions back in high school. In the one session we played, one of the heroes was “about two minutes away” from the scene were the battle was going on. It took him about three hours of play time before he arrived on the scene. That sort of sucked. Another Champions game had me playing a hero that grew like your Giant-Man/Goliath/Atlas characters. Unfortunately, we didn’t realize that the growth power didn’t come with added resistance from being shot with a gun, so Tower just grew 40′ tall and was taken down by an Uzi. That sort of sucked, too. Oh, and I played one game in the old Marvel FASERIP game that everyone seems to love: I was playing Captain America and the rest of the Avengers were going into Ultron’s dungeon crawl fortress and there was a covered pit trap and everyone managed to jump over the pit. Except Captain America. ((If there’s one superhero that doesn’t fall down pits, it’s Captain America. Dice tell shitty stories.)) That was just stupid.

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The BattleTech DMG: Missions

The BattleTech DMG: Missions

When developing the movement system, one of the questions I had was why use it at all? After all, if my ‘Mech is dug into good cover, why would I ever leave and expose myself to enemy fire? The answer is in the actual BattleTech miniatures game: there are missions, and those missions have your force doing something. So why move? Because you have a mission to advance to a target. Or because you need to get into position. Or you need to search for an objective.

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The BattleTech DMG: Movement and Positioning

The BattleTech DMG: Movement and Positioning

One of the comments from the demo of the BattleTech DMG at GenCon last year was about getting more of the tactical aspects of the BattleTech game into the DMG. The proof of concept game was really a slugfest: two ‘Mechs pounding it out on the battlefield with Take Cover or Dodge cards allowing ‘Mechs to avoid getting hit. It really wasn’t much more than playing an occasional card to adjust your opponent’s chances of hitting. Playing the miniatures game, a lot of the gameplay comes into maneuvering your ‘Mech around into a better position, hoping to get flanking or around to where the enemy cannot react to your attack.

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