Section-Specific Table of Contents and Navigation

Fantasy Flight Games just announced that Genesys, the generic version of the game system that runs their Star Wars and upcoming Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying games, is available as a pdf. I’m interested in that game because I love some of the things it does (I’ve gone on about how the boost and setback dice are some of my favorite dice in rpgs) and one of the example settings is Android, the cyberpunk setting for the Android board game (which I love), the Netrunner game line, and pretty much all of FFG’s near-future cyberpunk games.

But then I noticed it did something really interesting with the cross-references.

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12 for 12th: Let Me Tell You About My Character

This installment of Twelve RPG Prompts for Twelfth Month is one that I thought I wouldn’t be able to write about because I run games, not play them. It’s also a thing that’s interesting to the person telling the story and usually isn’t to anyone else. It’s the one statement that every player dreads hearing: Let me tell you about my character.

Let’s see if you decide to keep reading after the jump.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Days 24-28: Lightning Round!

Catching up on #RPGaDAY and there’s a whole bunch of questions left. We’re on Day 24, and I’m going to hit a whole bunch of them here to zip through Day 28, because these aren’t interesting questions or questions that will produce my goal of 500 words per topic.

Consider this a lightning round, then.

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