One day, Shadowrun will be a cyberpunk game

One day, Shadowrun will be a cyberpunk game

I love Shadowrun.

If you have read earlier writings, you will know that is mostly true. I love the concept of Shadowrun. As a child that grew up in Reagan’s America, I love the entire genre of cyberpunk, that future dystopia with injustice and fighting against the established order to effect change, bettering mankind (or just self). However, I have always had an issue with the way Shadowrun tackled the genre.

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Shadowrun, Sixth Edition: finally, a cyberpunk game.

A few days ago, Catalyst Game Labs announced Shadowrun’s sixth edition. Looking over the press release for it, the new version seemed to be the same old thing, just newer. Until I read a tweet from Steven “Bull” Ratkovich, which was directed at the “assholes in the back row” who were complaining about diversity, inclusion, and politics in a cyberpunk roleplaying game.

My reaction on twitter:

Wait a sec. Did someone say that game designers should leave the politics out of their cyberpunk roleplaying game?



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