#RPGaDAY 2017, Days 24-28: Lightning Round!

Catching up on #RPGaDAY and there’s a whole bunch of questions left. We’re on Day 24, and I’m going to hit a whole bunch of them here to zip through Day 28, because these aren’t interesting questions or questions that will produce my goal of 500 words per topic.

Consider this a lightning round, then.

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#RPGaDAY 2016, Day 13: What Makes a Successful Campaign?

First, define “successful”. Also “campaign”.

Back when we played the post-college Shadowrun game, I had the whole campaign outlined ((Remember, this was back when I was still thinking of roleplaying games as primarily the GM’s story where the players enter with their characters to see what happens, rather than the collaborative play style I enjoy now.)) to create story arcs, season arcs like a television show. Each season started and ended on certain points. When we played that game, we went through the first season and had a good ending. Then we tried to do play-by-email once we started all moving away in the second season and that one didn’t have a satisfying ending.

My answer? Endings make a successful campaign.

Plan for an end point.

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#RPGaDAY 2016, Day 5: Not Gaming at the Gaming Convention

Here’s the thing: When I’ve attended Gen Con, I haven’t gone for the games. Teenage me would be shocked. Teenage me always wanted to attend Gen Con ((Lake Geneva was just a three hour drive away!)), but I never made it out there. Four days of gaming goodness and I, at most, play three different games.

So these last times — and I’m not counting the time I was doing booth duty for a Mayfair Games offshoot project — what do you do at a gaming convention when you’re not gaming?

Mainly networking. Continue reading →