Thomas Was At Gen Con 2017: It Really Happened

Back from Gen Con and it was amazing. I’ve been to the show a few times before, mainly as a way to network — which is nearly impossible at the show for people new to the industry — and as part of a company. Now that I have several works published (and was there as a part of a company’s booth staff), network is so much easier.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 12: Inspirational Artwork

The #RPGaDAY topic for yesterday was all about inspirational illustrations. Which game has the most inspirational interior artwork? I’m not sure why “interior” is in that question. Can’t the cover artwork be inspirational as well?

Right now, I’m split between two games for having inspirational artwork. And for “inspirational artwork” I’m reading that as artwork that says everyone can be a hero: you can be the hero in this game. Spoiler: I’m not making a final decision between the two.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 11: A Dead Game

Today’s #RPGaDAY topic is “Which ‘dead’ game would you like to see reborn?”

Man, that’s a crap question because “dead game” is such a crap phrase. What’s classified as a “dead game”? Any game line that doesn’t have ongoing support or releases. All the books are out and nothing new is coming, so it’s dead. Why even bother playing?

Such bull on that.

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