Back from Gen Con and it was amazing. I’ve been to the show a few times before, mainly as a way to network — which is nearly impossible at the show for people new to the industry — and as part of a company. Now that I have several works published (and was there as a part of a company’s booth staff), network is so much easier.
Thomas at Gen Con 2017: It’s Really Happening
It’s been four years since I’ve been at Gen Con. Time to return.
I’ll be arriving late on Wednesday, so I might be at the DJA, but will probably be getting into the hotel sometime after the award has been handed out. I don’t have a clear favorite in this one, but I’m leaning towards Gloomhaven or Gen Con getting the award this year. Nothing is really jumping out at me as in prior years.
#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 14: Open-Ended Campaigns
In stark contrast to last year’s yesterday question, #RPGaDAY inquires about an RPG I prefer for open-ended campaign play. That post’s topic is “What Makes a Successful Campaign?” My answer: endings.