Primetime Adventures: Play In Public

Primetime Adventures: Play In Public

When the Primetime Adventures Kickstarter went live, I said that if it hit $25k, I would write up my guide to running Primetime Adventures at game days and conventions.

It hit that mark with three days to spare.

So here is the creatively-named Running Primetime Adventures at Game Days and Conventions. (Not-secret code name: Stealing from Jason Corley).

Once it hit that mark, I said I would write up a fully-developed series kit (as described in this backer update) based on MCU: Gotham, my police procedural in Batman’s Gotham City show, if the kickstarter hit 900 backers. It did that shortly afterwards, so I owe you guys that, too. here it is: PTA Series Kit: MCU: Gotham

Then I said if the kickstarter hits 950 backers, I would do up one for something in the Zurvivor setting, which spawned three actual shows (Zurvivor, about a reality tv show set on Zombie Island; COPZ, a COPS-like show during the outbreak on the mainland; and Safety in Numbers, set a bit later in the quarantine zone). It did that today. So I’ll be doing that, too. Done! See below! (The full series kit might be is for Omega, the possible fourth show in the franchise, which is described on RPGnet in this message thread about creating characters.)

Oh, and I have nothing to do with the Primetime Adventures Kickstarter, aside from being a fan and a backer. I just love the game. It’s my favorite role-playing game.

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Updated: There’s a new version of the document with an errant apostrophe wrangled back into place and a few word choice edits. It “informs a lot of information”? Kids, don’t edit your own work.


Current Work: Posthuman Pathways RPG


Client: Genesis of Legend Publishing

Project Scope: Graphic design, layout.

Project Description: A series of accordion-fold and gate-fold pamphlets that make up the physical play components of a transhuman roleplaying game.

The Posthuman Pathways project consists of five legal-sized pamphlets that are used to play the game. The above graphic is pamphlet one: The Long Road. The obverse has an introduction to the game. This side has The Timeline, where players place cards and notes during the three eras of the game: human, transhuman, and posthuman. Unlike the other four gate-fold pamphlets, this is the only accordion-fold pamphlet in the game and will be laid flat when playing.

On this project, the basic organization of information was detailed by the game designer. My first task was to take Jason’s document and come up with different type treatments for the project. After two rounds of treatments, we had a good black and white layout mock-up prepared. Subsequent milestones included creating a background for all five pamphlets and a timeline graphic. The basic backgrounds involved geometric patterns (and a pseudo-algorithmic scale “timeline”) over a heavily modified corroded metal graphic to give a sense of space. The timeline graphic repeated some of these geometric patterns in a rising motion, which begin to clean the background, expressing the unknown future and how it emerges in gameplay.
