Quick! Let’s catch up to today’s #RPGaDAY post, but we’re still back in time on the 16th of the month where we answer the question “which RPG do you enjoy using as is?”
In other words: which game is perfect right out of the box? No house rules. No nothin’.
Wow. Let’s see. I was at Gen Con and didn’t get ahead on my #RPGaDAY posts. Where did I leave off?
Day fifteen?
Okay, then. The topic for that day is “Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?” Well, that’s an odd one. I mean, I could see how someone’s answer is something like how they use game X to play Star Wars (or Shadowrun), but for the most part I’m thinking the real answers to this question is about generic game systems, like Fate or GURPS.
Today’s #RPGaDAY topic is “Which ‘dead’ game would you like to see reborn?”
Man, that’s a crap question because “dead game” is such a crap phrase. What’s classified as a “dead game”? Any game line that doesn’t have ongoing support or releases. All the books are out and nothing new is coming, so it’s dead. Why even bother playing?