#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 20: OOP!

Day 20 of #RPGaDAY asks us about the best source of out-of-print RPGs.

Wouldn’t that be the publisher themselves? Sure, the physical books might be gone, but you can’t go out of stock with pdfs. Over at John Wick Presents, our big thing is the new edition of 7th Sea, but if you want any of the first edition 7th Sea — or even things from the d20 Swashbuckling Adventures line– you can get ’em. And if there are no pdfs, you’re stuck looking at game stores, used bookstores, or ebay.

That’s not really an interesting question, so let’s follow this up in ten minutes with a better one.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 19: Best Writing a/k/a How the Sausage Is Made

The #RPGaDAY prompt for the 19th was “Which RPG features the best writing?”

Hey. You. I’m going to tell how the sausage is made. Let’s look at any 7th Sea sourcebook. Read through all 208 pages of that thing, every chapter, every sidebar, and yes, even the fiction in the front. See how well that thing flows? See how well that runs together? It’s like there’s one voice telling you all about this bit of the setting and explaining these rules to you, right?

Now look at the credits.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 18: A Game I’ve Played a Lot

The #RPGaDAY prompt for the 18th was “Which RPG have you played the most in your life?”

While I spent the majority of my teenage years playing D&D and part of my college years playing that game, my late college age group started playing Shadowrun and that’s been my go-to big game ever since. But if we use a different metric, where we look at which game I’ve played with the most number of people, that would be Primetime Adventures. I’ve run that at game days, conventions, and dropped it into my regular game from time to time.

Huh. That was a short one.

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