Kickstarter Roundup, May 2018

Recently there was good news in updates from two long-delayed Kickstarter campaigns I’ve backed and another thing I backed just ended, so why not do another review of projects I’ve backed that I’m waiting on?

One of the ways you can review your backed pledges is by going to the pledge page on your profile. It’ll have a list of your active pledges, all the things you’ve backed (“successful pledges”), and a really annoying section called “unsuccessful pledges”. I hate that last section — it “includes dropped pledges and pledges to failed or cancelled projects”. I hate that section because I have one, and only one, project listed there, a project I cancelled my pledge to because we had a financial crunch right at that time. So it just sits there, Kickstarter reminding me of that one time we had an emergency that caused us to cancel our luxury expenses because there was this Thing going on.

I suppose it’s like when you’re on facebook and they keep trying to get you to be friends that ex that cheated on you in college or how it reminds you that four years ago you had the cutest dog ever, not knowing it’s been dead for months and you were just about over the loss.

Thanks, computers! You’re awful.


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#RPGaDAY 2016, Day 1: Why do this thing?

It’s the third year of #RPGaDAY, a thing where there’s a roleplaying game-based question a day that’s there for people who enjoy those games to share their thoughts and memories about the hobby. I did the first year on my Google+ account and last year I joined in the fun here at ((and revisiting my first year’s questions)). But I had a secret goal. I would have a good thirty minutes of writing time and use RPGaDAY to revitalize my blog. Also, the event would help to get me back into creative writing.

I had a total of two blog posts since then. ((I’d link to them, but you can just use the previous post button right there.))


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