#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 18: A Game I’ve Played a Lot

The #RPGaDAY prompt for the 18th was “Which RPG have you played the most in your life?”

While I spent the majority of my teenage years playing D&D and part of my college years playing that game, my late college age group started playing Shadowrun and that’s been my go-to big game ever since. But if we use a different metric, where we look at which game I’ve played with the most number of people, that would be Primetime Adventures. I’ve run that at game days, conventions, and dropped it into my regular game from time to time.

Huh. That was a short one.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 17: A Game Collecting Dust

The #RPGaDAY topic for day seventeen is about a game that’s been sitting on the shelf. Specifically, a game that I own but haven’t played. For this, I’m only going to count physical game books. Let me nip down to the basement where it probably is living and I’ll let you know after the break.

Before I head down, I’m going to guess it’s Blue Planet, first edition. I never played that game, but I loved it so. The second edition, I’ve ran and I so do love the setting. But that first version — which I know is downstairs — I have never played.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 15: Adapting a Game

Wow. Let’s see. I was at Gen Con and didn’t get ahead on my #RPGaDAY posts. Where did I leave off?

Day fifteen?

Okay, then. The topic for that day is “Which RPG do you enjoy adapting the most?” Well, that’s an odd one. I mean, I could see how someone’s answer is something like how they use game X to play Star Wars (or Shadowrun), but for the most part I’m thinking the real answers to this question is about generic game systems, like Fate or GURPS.

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