#RPGaDAY 2017, Days 8 and 9: A Game That Takes About Ten Short Sessions to Play

Our topics for days 8 and 9 of #RPGaDAY are “What is a good RPG to play for sessions of two hours or less?” and “What is a good RPG to play for about ten sessions?” Easy-peasy.

Primetime Adventures.

When I run Primetime Adventures, each episode takes about two hours to run through. A long season of PTA is nine game sessions. Add on one session to bust out the pitch session — where we all make protagonists and decide on the series we are going to create — and we’re at ten sessions.

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#RPGaDAY 2017, Day 6: Constant Gaming

The #RPGaDAY prompt for today — er, yesterday — is “You can game every day for a week. Describe what you’d do!”

Nah. That’s not as interesting as how I initially misread the topic: “You can game every day in a week!” Let’s answer that question.

The base assumption is I get to play roleplaying games every single day! We’ll just pretend there’s some magic time thing that happened that lets me get my work done and I still get time to have fun with the family. And I have time to do GM prep…

So let’s see.

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#RPGaDAY 2016, Day 11: How did the tabletop RPGs you’ve played shape how you play now?

Oh, I love this question (again, supplied from Tracy Barnett): How did the RPGs I’ve played shape the gamer I am now? It’s a different question from the real question for day, “Which gamer most affected the way you play?” But there is a bit of overlap.

There are moments in one’s gaming life where something clicks and is so profound it changes how you run (or play) the games you enjoy so. Here, I’m thinking about five different games: InSpectres; Buffy, the Vampire Slayer; (a game session of) Shadowrun, 4th Edition; Burning Wheel; and Apocalypse World.

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